Sample Outline
Topic 1: Introduction to Financial Well-Being
How to set meaningful and actionable goals
Getting on the same page with your partner
Learning how to "talk money"
Topic 2: Getting into Financial Fitness Shape
How to create a spending plan
Understanding the power of cash flow
Financial Basics 101
The time value of money
Compound interest
Risk and diversification
Topic 3: Getting a Handle on Where You Stand
What are you really worth today?
The Personal Balance Sheet
Understanding what affects Net Worth
Which actions add/subtract from our net worth?
Debt: How to get a Game Plan in place now!
Prioritizing and paying it off
Understanding what to attack first and why
Topic 4: Planning for Future Needs
Identifying future savings needs
Making calculations and estimating payments
Overview of Social SecurityÂ
What to expect when you retire
When to begin taking benefits
Investing simplified for everyday use
Is it more important to focus on saving or investing?
Can you simply explain what investment vehicles are out there
Topic 5: Personal Risk Managment
Identifying risks we face
Premature Death
Living too long
Identity and reputation
Understanding Risks- how to classify and prioritize
Overview of financial vehicles to address risks
How they work
What they cost
Putting your Game Plan together
Identify objectives and action steps
Prioritize based on risks, goals, and funds
Identifying a "control" for success