How do I get started?
Email or call A.D. Financial Planning to set up your no-obligation introductory meeting. A.D. Financial Planning offers in-home consultation for areas in East Texas including Longview and surrounding communities.
At our initial meeting, we will discuss your immediate financial planning needs and provide a firm estimate of the charges involved, the data needed, and when the work will be completed.
Once my financial plan or project is completed, will our relationship end?
Only if you want it to end. A.D. Financial Planning thinks of our relationship as ongoing provider. Just as someone thinks of a dentist as an ongoing provider and has regular dental checkups to maintain good dental health, good fiscal health requires periodic reviews of your personal finances by a qualified financial advisor.
How does A.D. Financial Planning charge for financial advice?
Hourly A.D. Financial Planning fees are based on the actual time involved in meeting with you in person or via the phone, researching and analyzing your current situation, and providing specific recommendations and implementation assistance (if appropriate). You will always be provided with a firm quote of fees at the end of an initial no-obligation introductory meeting.
For a more personal and in-depth approach, A.D. Financial Planning offers investment advisory services. Under an investment advisory agreement, A.D. Financial Planning works with you on a continuing basis to help you reach your financial goals. A.D. Financial Planning calculates investment advisory fees based upon a percentage of the market value of the assets under management.
If A.D. Financial Planning creates a financial plan for me, am I obligated to purchase the recommend products?
Absolutely not. We offer recommendations to meet your needs and objectives, but you are under no obligation to purchase anything. We also recognize the importance of shopping around for the best available product or service.
The extent of our involvement in helping with your financial plan is up to you. If you would like to setup your own accounts independently, you can do that on your own, or we can help. If you would like, we can help you purchase investments and/or set up your accounts with a third-party custodian like a discount broker. Because A.D. Financial Planning is not compensated by commissions on products, you can be assured that our recommendations are based on what we truly believe is in your best interests.
Can you help me with any type of securities?
Yes. We provide advice on all types of securities, including mutual funds, bonds, bank deposits and money markets. We also provide advice on mortgages, budgeting and cash flow issues, 401(k), 403(b), 457 and other retirement programs.
A.D. Financial recommends low cost index or exchange traded funds for your stock mix and does not recommend that you invest in individual stocks with more than 5% of your portfolio. Playing a hunch can be rewarding if you win; a little speculation can be healthy as long as you keep it in check, using no more than 5% of your total portfolio to invest. Not every stock pick is a winner…
I need help getting starting planning for my and my family’s financial future. Will A.D. Financial Planning accept me as a client?
Absolutely! A.D. Financial Planning is here to help you get on the road to financial freedom. We will be happy to visit with you about your situation. A.D. Financial Planning has no minimum income levels or net worth requirements. We realize that everyone has financial questions. We are proud to work with people from all income levels and all walks of life.
A.D. Financial Planning uses ten steps to take your finances from where you are to where you want them to go. Contact us today to get started building your wealth.
Does A.D. Financial Planning provide other services besides comprehensive financial planning?
Yes. Although a comprehensive financial plan yields the greatest benefits, A.D. Financial Planning can also limit our services to individual, specific needs like cash management and budgeting, investment analysis or college education funding – whatever is critical to you right now.
How can a financial planner help me?
Anyone, any age looking for financial peace of mind can benefit from working with a good financial advisor either periodically or on a regular basis. A.D. Financial Planning serves people at all income levels and from all walks of life – whether the need is one quick question answered or ongoing financial assessment, management, and direction. Because our fees are on an hourly or percentage of assets managed, A.D. Financial Planning offers an accessible option for beginners, middle-income Americans, and do-it-yourselfers to get quality financial and investment advice.
Each individual’s situation is unique. Someone just starting out may need a detailed, long-term plan of action while someone else already on the road to achieving their goals simply may need a new strategy, professional insight, fine-tuning or second opinion of an existing plan. That’s why A.D. Financial Planning works to custom tailor our services to meet each individual’s needs.
Goals can be short-, intermediate-, or long-term. Reducing current income tax liabilities, for example, is a short-term goal, while funding a child’s education an intermediate one, and enjoying a secure financial retirement a more long-term goal.
By focusing on Financial Goal Setting, Cash Budgeting & Management, Investment Review & Planning, Retirement Planning, and Education Planning, A.D. Financial Planning can design a customized financial plan for you.
Do I need lots of money to get a good advisor?
No. A.D. Financial Planning has no income or investment account minimums for hourly engagements. We enjoy helping our clients get started on the path to financial freedom.
What is different about A.D. Financial Planning?
A.D. Financial Planning provides our advisory services on a fee-only basis. We do not accept sales commissions or any compensation other than directly from our clients. You pay only for the time we work with or for you; instead of worrying about a third-party commission we might receive from recommending a particular investment or strategy - you know that our advice is always given with only your best interest in mind. A.D. Financial Planning does not stand to gain financially from our recommendations. As fee-only planners we receive no monetary gain from the implementation of our recommendations; this allows us to independently and objectively advise you. Independent fee-only advisors are not tied to proprietary financial products, but can guide clients to the most appropriate solution.
What is financial planning?
Done right, financial planning is a process that helps you figure out where you are financially today and where you want to be in the future, and then helps you determine the best way to get there. With A.D. Financial Planning the process involves an initial in-depth review of your current financial situation and then the creation of a plan on how to achieve future goals and objectives.
Financial Planning should not be difficult or confusing. The steps recommend by A.D. Financial Planning are simple and straightforward. If you don’t understand an investment, you should not invest in it. The same is true for a plan to build wealth; if you don’t understand it, chances are it’s not going to work for you. A.D. Financial Planning uses ten steps to take your finances from where you are to where you want them to go.
What should I expect to contribute to the relationship?
For a financial plan to be effective, you should significantly contribute to the financial planning process. To begin the process we will need you to provide all relevant background information required for A.D. Financial Planning to prepare thorough recommendations. We ask that you have an open mind with regard to financial concepts, such as savings and debt. The relationship works best when you can be honest about your personal values, goals, concerns and preferences. We can serve you best when we understand the complete picture.
Can I do this on my own?
Do you need professional help in order to design and stick to an effective financial plan? This depends on your unique personal situation and dedication to learning and following key issues. Most find they are better off seeking the information, expertise, experience, and discipline provided by a financial advisor.
Making quality financial decisions requires a high level of commitment to learning and research. Whether you are concerned with an asset allocation strategy, planning for retirement, paying for college expenses, or other financial goals, we believe you are better served by leveraging the experience and expertise of professionals who are dedicated to serving these needs.
Why is Fee-Only important?
Independence and objectivity. Advisers that are dependent upon product sales and commissions for compensation have a greater likelihood of conflicts of interest. Working with fee-only financial planners gives you peace of mind because A.D. Financial Planning does not stand to gain financially from our recommendations. As fee-only planners we receive no monetary gain from the implementation of our recommendations; this allows us to independently and objectively advise you. Independent fee-only advisors are not tied to proprietary financial products, but can guide clients to the most appropriate solution.
What is a Fiduciary and Why Choose a Fiduciary Financial Advisor?
A fiduciary is a person or institution given the power to act on behalf of another in situations that require great trust, honesty and loyalty. Fiduciaries are hired to act in your best interest and must set aside personal motives and conflicts of interest in favor of pursuing the best outcome for your unique situation. Common fiduciaries include attorneys, accountants, business advisors, fee-only financial advisors and registered investment advisors, real estate agents acting on your behalf, estate administrators, guardians, title companies, and trustees of a trust. There are very clear guidelines on who is considered a fiduciary in the financial world and who is not. A.D. Financial Planning is a fiduciary. The following people are not considered fiduciaries:
Stock Brokers
Insurance Agents
Real Estate Agents acting on the other party's behalf
What is Fiduciary Duty?
Also called “fiduciary obligation”, fiduciary duty is a legal obligation of a fiduciary to act in the best interest of a client. Many brokers and insurance agents call themselves “financial advisors” or “financial planners,” but they may not have a fiduciary duty and in fact may not be required to put your interests first. They represent themselves or their company. Rather than a legal responsibility to act in your best interest, they instead must only provide you with “suitable” financial products. This “suitability standard” is very broad and difficult to impose. Fiduciary duty is stricter than the suitability standard. A.D. Financial Planning is a fiduciary.
Fiduciary Duty vs. Suitability Standard
If an individual or family goes to a stockbroker for investment advice, the broker may recommend an investment in a particular fund (Fund A) even though there is another fund (Fund B) that may be a better choice. The suitability standard permits the broker to recommend an investment fund based on the higher commissions they will earn even if the costs to you are higher (as long as it’s still a “suitable” investment). On the other hand, fiduciary financial advisors are required to recommend you invest in Fund B since it is the better option and they have a fiduciary duty to clients. Because fiduciaries are held to such a high standard of care, seek the advice of fiduciary financial planners. Always, ask your advisor if he or she is a fiduciary and is required to act in your best interest. A.D. Financial Planning is a fiduciary.
What is a CRD number?
Every registered representatives who is licensed to sell securities or provide financial advice in this country has what is a called a “CRD” number. CRD stands for the Central Registration Depository, which is a database that contains the registration records of all broker-dealers and securities representatives. You can use a broker’s CRD number to confirm whether a broker is registered in your state, learn what licenses they possess, and to find out if there are customer complaints against that representative or his or her brokerage firm. This database also has qualification and employment information for registered representatives. Sam Neale is the owner of A.D. Financial Planning his CRD number is 5828613.
You can visit the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority’s (FINRA) website to pull up records of any brokers you are considering working with. You should also ask your state securities regulator for a copy of the CRD report, because the reports from the state regulators often provide more information from the CRD than FINRA, especially regarding customer complaints.
What is a IARD?
The Investment Adviser Registration Depository (IARD) is an electronic filing system for Investment Advisers sponsored by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC or Commission) and North American Securities Administrators Association (NASAA), with FINRA serving as the developer and operator of the system. The IARD system collects and maintains the registration and disclosure information for Investment Advisers and their associated persons. The IARD number for A.D. Financial Planning is 171981.
Other Questions?
If you have further questions, or would like to speak with a knowledgeable investment advisor, email or call A.D. Financial Planning and we'll answer your question right over the phone, via an email or we'll setup a time when we can meet to discuss whatever questions you have!